Niche is a style of wall decoration that is created through wall-mounted profiles and drywall boards that can be enclosed onto the profiles. The board panels enable you to use the pockets outside the enclosed area as you wish in a decorative way. If you support the niche wall designs with floodlights, you will create an even more aesthetic decoration style.

The niche decoration styles that have been growing in population in recent years also enable the rooms to be used in a more space-saving manner as well. The inner walls, which you can paint with any color you want, will give you flexibility, where you can also use mosaic designs. You can also use such areas, which you can decorate as you see fit, as TV stands as well. This type of use will also save you from the crown, caused by an excess amount of furniture. Niches that you can utilize bookshelves, shelves, fireplaces, or displays will add a roomy and modern ambiance to your home decoration theme.

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