Antonio Model is a four bedroom modern home plan with roof deck having a total floor area of 188 sq.m. roof deck not included.
The roof deck is 65 sq.m. if considered in the total floor area, this will sum up to 253 sq.m. all in all. This modern home plan is design to be single detached or with setbacks on each of the side and back and front. Doing this would require at least 1.5 meters on both side, at least 2 meters at the back and at least 3 meters at the front to comply with the minimum setbacks imposed by local building codes.

The front facade is wider the the depth suitable for wide lot frontage but shorter in lot depth. This is an exception since most of the designs here at pinoy eplans are longer in depth. Combination of 2 to 3 colors consists of the color scheme. Dirty white fill most of the walls and the darker color fills the accent walls. brick materials are also rendered on some of the walls like in between accent walls which gives more definition to this house design.

Most of the windows are aluminum framed with glass windows. Sliding doors are located at the lanai, entrance from the garage and balcony at the second floor.


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