What is leveling?

The art of determining relative altitudes of points on the surface of the earth or beneath the surface of the earth is called LEVELLING. For the execution of Engineering Projects, it is very necessary to determine elevations of different points along the alignment of the proposed project.


1- For planning and estimating project works like roads, bridges, railways, airports, water supply, and wastewater disposal surveying is required.

2- Taking rail levels existing before track renewals to finalize final rail level profile including vertical curves.

3- It is also useful in the construction of roads, to calculate CUT & FILL in a road project, deciding slope on the side for draining purpose.

4- While lying on the pipeline to ensure the appropriate slope of the land that will allow smooth movement of the liquid in the transit.


5- For preparing the contour map to determine the best possible route and amount of earthwork required.

6- For preparing the engineering map showing engineering details like highways, railways, canals, dams, reservoirs, etc.

7- For preparing the topographical map which shows hills, rivers, forests, valleys, etc. topographical map.

For more information watch this video

Watch this video For getting information about Level Error Checking For Level Machine/Auto Level.

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