In addition to using familiar materials to grow vegetables at home, you can take advantage of waste or recycle waste products, and turn them into extremely useful sources of nutrients for plants. With this, you not only save vegetable growing costs but also limit the amount of daily waste. And it is important to ensure a clean vegetable garden with high efficiency at home. And eggshell is one of the most suitable and easy to find materials!

So in the article today, we are happy to share 8 secrets of eggshell for your garden. Normally, eggshell is usually thrown away after use but there are so many effects that you don’t know. Eggshell also contains many essential minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, … these are beneficial nutrients for vegetables, especially for tomatoes. Check them out now!

1- Composting

Whether raw shells resulting from omelette or the preparation of a delicious cake or even shells cooked for boiled eggs, they can join your compost bin. All their minerals then be find in your soil. In addition, the eggshells neutralize the pH level of the compost you made from them.

2- Barrier against the pesky crawlers

Coarsely crumbled, eggshells form an effective barrier against soft-bodied garden pests like snails and slugs that eat your plants. They do not risk through this sharp and uncomfortable jagged shells. To do this, encircle roughly crushed layer of eggshells around the plants that are sensitive to such pests.

3- Seedlings Germination

This is one of the most popular ideas on eggshells you should try out immediately, using them to germinate seedlings. At the bottom of each half shell, do a small hole, for drainage. Fill it with a meagre amount of soil and sow seeds. When the seedlings are big enough, simply crack the shells from beneath and plant them.

4- Disease Free Healthy Tomatoes

While planting tomatoes, place a handful of coarsely crumbled eggshells in the bottom. This will provide a good amount of minerals and trace elements to a tomato plant in all of its growing season slowly and steadily. This will also help in healthy growth of tomato plant and develop its resistance to diseases, especially against blossom end rot occurs due to lack of calcium.

5- Natural Fertilizer

You can also use eggshells as mineral fertilizer directly. Firstly, crumble or grind shells as thinly as possible, then spread this powder at the surface of your crop or ornamental plants and incorporate the soil by a light scratching. Eggshell fertilizer is good for olives, oleander, zucchini and tomatoes.

6- In Chives

If you are growing chives in a pot, drop a handful of crushed eggshells around the roots, these will decompose gradually and provide calcium, which chives like so much.

7- Eggshells for Mulching

Use eggshells for mulching, inexpensive and effective way to mulch the plants. One more advantage is that eggshells look like pebbles from far and add decorative element if you spread them on pots.

8- Deer Resistant

If deer munch your plants, use eggshells to deter them. Spread crushed shells around plants, which deer love to eat. They do not like the smell of egg. But a caveat, the same smell that deters deer away also attracts rodents who like to eat eggs.

Click Here To See 10 Vegetables Can Regrow In Water


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