Between Pre-Tensioning Vs. Post-Tensioning Concrete



1. Pre-tension is the technique in which we are imparting tension in strands before placing the concrete.

1. Post-tensioning is done by forming a duct in which strands are pulled (tensioned) after the concrete gains its full strength.

2. Small sections are constructed.

2. Size of a member is not limited. Heavy long-span bridges can be constructed by using this technique.

3. Loss of strength is above 17%

3. In the post-tension loss of strength is not more than 15%

4. This method is done due to bonding between concrete and steel.

4. This is developed due to bearing.

5. It is cheaper because the cost of sheathing is not involved in pre-tensioning

5. It is costlier because the cost of sheathing is required.

6. It is more durable and reliable

6. Its durability depends upon the two anchorage mechanisms.

7. Small and easy to transport, so it is more popular.

7. Usually in long sizes. Most are used in have long span bridge construction.

8. It is usually done in factories

8. It can be done in factory or on the site.

9. The strands are tension before casting the concrete and in concrete is cast enclosing the tension cables in pretension concrete

9. plants are enclosed within a duct in the form, and then concrete is cast

10. similar structures are prepared in pre-tensioning concrete

10. Products are changed according to the structure in the case of post-tensioned concrete

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