Why Curing of Concrete is Done

Actually, we know that reaction b/w cement and water is called hydration, and it’s an exothermic reaction which releases ( heat) so after adding water to concrete mix then its start hydration process, which makes concrete dry due to out an exothermic reaction which releases the heart from concrete mix. Therefore we curing concrete to keep it moist.

When To Start Curing Concrete?

we have to apply the water for some days on the concrete surface after its setting.

What is The Curing Period of Concrete?

The minimum period for curing concrete to attain maximum strength is 28 Days. see the below image for a period of concrete.


in the above graph, concrete can get 50% strength when we cured the concrete for 3 to 7 days, and it’s gain 75% compressive strength after 14 days and 90% strength can achieve after 28 days.

We Cured Concrete For The Purpose of Given Factors 

1- we cured concrete due to its chemical reaction between cement and water.

2- To make good size and shape of the concrete member

3- For atmospheric temperature

4- For a grade of concrete.

5- To specify the strength of concrete.

Concrete Curing Methods

we can use the given method to keep the concrete moist.

1- Ponding  Method

This method we can use in-floor slab. we use in this method a small pond on the slab to keep the slab moist.


2- Wet Covering

This method is suitable for those concrete structures where we can not make ponds but we use this method especially for Columns, footing, and bottom surface of slabs. and we use gunny bags to keep the concrete moist.

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