Pre-tensioning and Post-tensioning both methods are used under the pre-stressing process which has few edges over the orthodox non-stressed structures like greater span to depth ratio, higher moment, and shear capacity. These methods are generally adopted in the making of PSC girders, sleepers, etc.


1- In this method, the concrete is prestressed with tendons before it is placed in position.

2- This method is developed due to bonding between the concrete and steel tendons.

3- Pre tensioning is preferred when the structural element is small and easy to transport.

4- In this method, similar prestressed members are prepared.

5- Pre-tensioning members are produced in mold.


1- In this method prestressing is done after the concrete attains its strength

2- This method is developed due to bearing

3- Post-tensioning is preferred when the structural element is heavy

4- In this method products are changed according to the structure.

5- Cables are used in place of wires and jacks are used for stretching.

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