Estimating Steel For Reinforcement

For RCC works estimates of steel is essentially required for the following purposes.

1- For acquirement of the materials.

2- To check or to submit the utilization of the material at the site.

3- To prepare an accurate bill for payment.

For point (1) and (2), the best method of calculating the amount of steel is using BBS or bar bending schedule that is commonly provided in the detailed drawings for reinforced concrete works. But, when the bar bending schedule is not provided with the amount of steel may be calculated by using a take-off sheet containing the following sections as given in the below table.

    (1)Size & position of bars      (2)Overall length with cover                         (3)          Extra length for          (4)Less cover

         (5)Actual length


      (6)No. Of bars     (7)Total length       (8)Weight

and point (3) bill of quantity of steel for payment is  prepared as following

1 Tor steel                 ———              ——— =(_) kg
2 Mild steel                ———-              ———= (_) kg
3 Cement Concrete                ———-              ———= (_)kg
4 Hire and labour charge for shuttering                ———-              ———= (_)kg

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