When creating an original interior in a room, especially when it comes to decorating the wall covering, experts use various types of tools in their work. Of this variety, special attention should be paid to textured rollers, which are far from the last place on the list of popular varnishes.

What is that?

Decorative rollers are used to apply different patterns and reliefs. A similar result is achieved thanks to the relief textures on their nozzles. Thanks to the ease of use, the implementation of the interior in the design of the room will be under the influence of anyone who wants it and without additional help from experts. The main positive feature of rollers is the fact that the cost of their purchase is worth it due to a long operational period, as well as multifunctionality.

Any color is suitable for working with a textured roller. In some cases, it is used for plaster. Therefore, before purchasing a particular model, you should research all types of this tool.

Species – Types

Previously, in order to give the surface the necessary relief, they used all kinds of improvised objects – a stiff brush, a comb, a sponge, and knitting needles. To date, the existing range of construction tools allows you to choose a roller with a ready-made pattern for decoration. With its help, a real relief pattern is created on the wall, ceiling, or interior and furniture.

All types of rollers are united by their simple design.

It consists of four components:

  • pencils;
  • stick;
  • roller;
  • nozzle.

Textured rollers can work in several ways. The first option – the matrix – is to use the tool to decorate by stamping the image. Another method involves processing the wall or ceiling with a rough roller to get an accentuated result.

Depending on the type of nozzle surface, there are several types of tools.

The nozzle can be made of the following materials:

  • silicon
  • tire
  • foam tires
  • plastics
  • canvas
  • skin
  • fur
  • tree
  • foam plastic

Rollers with a patterned silicone or rubber nozzle will create a pattern on the wall. There are rubber nozzles with a relief on the surface when working with which you can get the effect of “rain” or “peas”.

Foam rollers for high-quality and beautiful painting should have deep pores of different sizes, as a result of which marks appear on the wall in the form of craters or bubble bursts. A tool with a plastic cylinder leaves non-trivial drawings on the walls, forming different types of protrusions.

The soft texture of the nozzle when plastering creates a “fur coat” effect. Decorative fabric rollers with a pressed texture imitate a marble finish, to mimic natural stone, and use a leather nozzle tool.

Fleecy rollers create a “fur” effect. The size of the pile and the material of such a tool is characterized by diversity. The raw material for making nozzles can be natural fur and polyamide threads.

Wooden rollers are perfect for accented artistic decor. A hard-coated tool would be the most suitable option. The cost of such a painting device is higher, but this is easily compensated by the possibility of its repeated use, as well as environmental friendliness.

The “brick floor” effect on the wall will work when you work with the foam tool, the surface of which is divided into rectangles in a checkerboard pattern. The pattern in the form of bamboo stalks is obtained from rollers with suitable cutting grooves.

All types of rollers – rubber, leather, sponge, and others applicable for working with a flat surface. However, rollers with rollers made of wood and metal are considered the most suitable for plaster. It is not recommended to use them with oil paints because they cannot maintain a sufficient layer of paint on the surface.

Click Here To See 50 Wall Texture Ideas, Learn How To use Decorative Roller

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