We often misinterpret the term modern architecture because of our old concept of it as dull, boring, ugly, plain, and monotonous.  Yes, we have the tendency to equate modern architecture with those descriptions.  It’s because that is what we see in the modern commercial buildings, which often look like vertical boxes with windows.

We need to look at the wonderful modern designs man has created over the last two decades when modern architecture started flourishing. The house that we are featuring today is one good example that modern architecture also exudes sophistication and elegance. Let’s check it out.

Product Specifications

  • 2-story modern house
  • 4 bedrooms
  • 4 bathrooms
  • 2 living rooms
  • kitchen
  • balcony
  • carport
  • Budget: USD 1200,000-140,000 or Php 6-7M

The layout of the ground floor looks so tidy and the areas are strategically located – they are in their auspicious directions.  If you wish to know more about the auspicious direction of the areas of your house, you can research more about feng shui. There are three bedrooms on the upper floor. There are a living room and a balcony for some outdoor relaxation of the family.  There is also an open terrace if the family and guests would want to have a small gathering.

Click Here To See  Unique Country House Plan With Four Bedrooms And Three Bathrooms

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