A 3D cellular confinement system is a honeycomb geocell structure created by the 3D interaction of soil, cell walls and geometry. Geocell cellular confinement system maintains soil compaction, thereby increasing the structural strength of the infill and pavement layer. Neoloy Technology is a Novel Polymeric Alloy (NPA) developed to improve the strength and durability of geosynthetics’ products. It is a strong, stiff and creeps resistant alloy.

Load Transfer Platforms for Vertica Columns using Neoloy ® Geocells, Manzanillo Port, Mexico

NPA technology strengthens soft soil by mechanically confining the soil in three-dimensional honeycomb geometry. The geocell ability to confine soil over the long-term depends on retaining its geometry. If the geocell volume changes over time, the infill soil settles, compaction is lost, and the design’s parameters invalidated. Even a change of 3% in the geocell geometry may result in a structural failure.

Not all geocells are the same. While High-Density Polyethylene Geocells have relatively low tensile strength, high creep and low dimensional stability, NPA Geocells have high modulus and tensile strength, making them suitable for long-term applications. Recent research has broadened our understanding of geocells and reinforcement mechanisms. The results prove that not all geocells are equal – a key to performance is the elastic modulus of the geocell.

Soil Stabilization with Neoloy® for High-Speed Rail, Extends Maintenance by 7x, Amtrak, USA

Geocells manufactured from High-Density Polyethylene have relatively low tensile strength, high creep and low dimensional stability. Those geocells are unsuitable for long term applications, particularly when subject to heavy-duty cyclical loading and elevated temperatures.

Novel Polymeric Alloy Geocells maintain their engineering properties over time, under heavy loading and high temperatures. This has been confirmed by numerous plate-load tests, numerical modelling and full-scale trafficking tests (see Neoloy® Published Research). NPA has demonstrated greater improvement in stiffness, bearing capacity, stress distribution and reduced deformation, when compared with conventional HDPE geocells. The high modulus and tensile strength of NPA make it the most suitable geocell for long-term use in motorways, railways and earth retention.

Click Here To See Geocells New Road Building Technique

Source: PRS Geo-Technologies (www.prs-med.com)

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