
1- Concrete of min. 28 days cylinder crushing strength of 3000 psi (Shall conform to the relevant item in specifications provided with these drawings) Shall be used in the construction of all the structural members including foundation Footing, foundation beams, floor slabs, beams, columns, stairs, slab etc.

2- Reinforcing bars used in structural members shall be of min. Yield strength of 40,000 psi Confirming to ASTM a-615.

Standard bar cut off point

1- Standard bar cut off point for the negative reinforcement bars shall be at distance of one-third of the clear span length (between the supports)from the face of the support (l/3).

Standard hooks

1- Hooks used for longitudinal tensile steel reinforcement bars shall be of 90 degrees (right hook) with an extension of at least 12 bar diameter at the free end of the bar and with a min.

2- For all stirrups and tie bars 90-degree hooks shall be used with an extension of at least 6 bar diameter at the free end of the bar and with a min. The diameter of the bend of 6 bar diameter shown in the figure below.

Standard bar splices
1- Lap splices tension (used in all members and must in columns

1- For nos. (#) 3, 4 & 5 bars splice length  = 12 inches.

2- For no. 6 bars                                          splice length = 22 inches.

3- For no. 8 bars                                          splice length = 40 inches.

2- Compression splices (used in all members except column) 

1- For nos. (#) 3, 4 & 5 bars splice length = 12 inches.

2- For no. 6 bars                                          splice length = 15 inches.

3- For no. 8 bars                                          splice length = 20 inches.

Spacer bars of min. 1.0″ diameter or concrete

The spacer of 1″ thickness shall be used between the reinforcement

Layers to allow the placement of concrete between the reinforcement bars.


1- Clear cover for slab = 0.75″

2- Clear cover for beam = 1.5″

3- Clear cover for column = 1.5″

4- Clear cover for foundation = 2.5″

General notes

1- All the positive (bottom) reinforcement is shown as solid lines.

2- All the negative (top) reinforcement shown as dashed (broken) line.

3- All the positive (bottom) reinforcement shall be extended a minimum of 6″ into the supports (beams)

4- All the negative (top) reinforcement shall be cut off at l/3 from the face of the support (beam) Where l is the clear length between the supports (beams).

5- In the edge slab panels, the negative (top) steel shall be extended down into the beams in the form of hooks. Minimum hook length for #4 bars is 6″.

6- Concrete used shall have a minimum 28 days cylinder crushing strength of 3000 psi.

7- Steel used shall conform to ASTM specifications of a615 with a minimum yield strength of 40,000 psi.

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