Camping can be all kinds of fun but you also need to recognize some of the dangers lurking in the great outdoors. Even though the chances of being attacked by a wild animal at night are low, it’s important to take precautions to prevent potential disasters. An elevated mini cabin makes a great alternative to a camping tent as it is designed to keep you high off the ground. Hence, it eliminates the risk of getting attacked by wild animals while you’re sleeping. Furthermore, a raised sleeping area helps keep those icky ground crawlers from spoiling the peace and quiet of your slumber.

If you’re looking for an elevated mini cabin for glamping then the Pinea Suite might be the one for you. Featuring a modern interpretation of a cabin and a tree house, it allows the occupants to experience comfortable accommodation while living in nature from above. Floating high above the ground, the 2-person suite is supported by metal pillars resembling the shape of forest trunks to make it look and feel like a tree house. The front pillars also serve as a ladder that leads to the entrance of the floating suite.

Designed to harmoniously blend with the natural environment, the reinforced concrete base that holds the metal pillars is covered with recycled ceramic gravel to make them look like natural wood. Plus, the base is made of superficial foundations that allow you to simply place it on the ground without digging or damaging the environment. The elevated mini cabin itself is made with a wood base, furnished with natural cork insulation, and covered with serigraphiated fabric. Inside the floating suite, you can smell the wood, see the shade of trees swaying with the wind, and hear the birds chirping outside.

Under the elevated mini cabin is an open picnic area sheltered from the sun and rain. Moreover, the floating suite comes with a complete set of cuki-style picnic tableware so you can dine while enjoying the open nature. The floating Pinea Suite comes in two versions: Plus and Premium. Unlike the Premium version, the Plus version doesn’t include a set of concrete bases and features straight metal pillars along with a separate ladder. The Premium version also comes with soft outdoor flooring with artificial grass.

This elevated mini cabin also includes 1 solar light with an extra charger for your electronic gadgets, 1 solar garland in the picnic area for illumination, 1 lamp with Bluetooth audio, and 2 extra cushions. You can either rent this floating camping suite via Airbnb or purchase it on the company website if you want to own one for yourself. These raised suites also make posh accommodations and great additions to nature resorts.

Click Here To See The Jungle Bride: Modern A-Frame Cabin In Bedford Hills, New York by Mohammadreza Norouz

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