What is camber
Types of camber
1- Composite camber
It consists of two straight slopes from the edges with a parabolic or circular crown.
2- Sloped or Straight camber
It consists of two straight slopes from the edges joining at the center of the carriageway. This type of camber is very simple and can be easily constructed.
3- Two straight line camber
It consists of two straight lines steeper near the edges and flatters near the crown.
4- Barrel camber
It consists of a continuous curve either elliptical or parabolic. This type of camber is preferred for roads used by fast-moving vehicles.
Road Camber height depends upon
1- Rainfall intensity in the area.
2- Type of the road surface whether it is flexible or rigid.
3- In case of flexible pavement, the recommended height of camber is 2 %. of the total width of the pavement.
4- For rigid pavement, the maximum recommended width is 1:72 .
Advantages of camber
1- Camber provides quick drainage of rainwater and thus saves the foundation course of the road structure from weakening by percolation of rainwater to it through the road surface.
2- This prevents rainwater to accumulate in local shrinkages or depressions and forming water pool on the road surface, which are disagreeable to the public as well as to the road structure.
Drawback of providing excessive road camber height
1- It reduces the road width as everyone will try to move on the middle of the road.
2- Chances of accidens will increase.
3- The passengers feel unbalance and discomfort during journey.
4- The road will wear and tear on the edges.
Method of providing camber
Usually, camber is provided on the straight roads by raising the center of the carriageway with respect to the edges, forming a crown or highest point on the center line. At horizontal curves with superelevation, the surface drainage is effected by raising the outer edge of pavement with respect to the inner edge while providing the desired superelevation. the rate of camber or cross slope is usually designed by 1 in ‘n’ which means the transverse slope is in ratio 1 vertical to “n” horizontal. Camber is also expressed in percentage. If the camber is x %, the cross slope is x in 100.
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