A PPR pipe is a form of plastic pipe made from a material known as polypropylene random copolymer plastic. The material is similar to that used in the manufacturing of water supply materials for household purposes, but it can be used to provide hot and cold drinking water as well as for heating systems. It was first launched in France in 1962 by its trade name ‘Plastic Pipe Revolvy.’

Produced through a continuous extrusion process. They are commonly offered in green or white color and in outer diameter sizes ranging from 20mm to 110mm making the pipe walls far thicker than PVC. PPR pipe is accompanied by a series of connection fittings, parts, and accessories available for every pipe diameter.

Since then, it has spread across Europe and other parts of the world. PPR pipes are becoming more popular because they save on energy costs when installed properly due to their sturdy build quality. They are also lighter than other piping options, which helps save on installation costs.

Most common PPR pipe applications include

Hot and cold potable water piping in residential, industrial, and public installations. Industrial piping for transferring water, sanitary liquids, liquid food products, compressed air, and aggressive chemicals eg. highly acidic or alkaline solutions. Building central radiator heating water, usually in a circular loop piping arrangement.

Click Here  To See 50+ Images Of House Sanitary Pipe Installation!

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