This grade was introduced in the country by BIS in the year 1987 and commercial production started from 1991. Advent of this grade in the country owes it to the improved technology adopted by modern cement plants. OPC 53 Grade cement is required to conform to BIS specification IS:12269-1987 with a designed strength for 28 days being a minimum of 53 MPa or 530 kg/sqcm or 53 N per

Compression Strength

Cement grade indicates the compression strength of the cement concrete after 28 days of setting. 43 Grade Cement attains compression strength of 43 mpa (mega pascals) in 28 days of setting compared to 53 mpa attained by 53 Grade cement.

Initial Strength

53 Grade cement are used for fast paced construction were initial strength is to be achieved quickly. 53 Grade cement has fast setting compared to 43 grade cement. 53 Grade attains 27 mpa in 7 days compared to 23 mpa by 43 grade cement.

53 Grade OPC Cement: Ideal for the following applications

1- High-rise buildings

2- All types of R.C.C. works

3- Industrial works

4- Pre-stressed concrete work like bridges, silos, etc.

5- Pre-cast elements such as Railway sleepers and concrete poles

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