The question will arise why we use steel in concrete. Concrete shows weak and strong properties in different cases. The concrete has the ability to resist compression forces and has a weak property against tensile forces. Therefore, we provide reinforcement in concrete to counter the tensile stresses, Because steel has good properties against tensile forces.

In the Tension zone, we commonly face cracks called (Hair cracks) which were unavoidable in members. In the construction of structures, we use many types of reinforcements having different properties and different diameters range from (6 mm to 36 mm) or above in some cases. The selection of steel merely depends upon what type of the forces and loads we are facing.

After the formwork completion, the reinforcement cage was constructed according to a given design. After the cage installation, the concrete was to be poured and when the concrete gets hardened the formwork was removed. RCC as a structural member, it is responsible to resist both tensile and compression stresses.

Properties to achieve good RCC

1-we should provide proper cover in the reinforcement to protect it from the effect of the corrosion/Rust.

2- In the tension zone, the cracks(Hair cracks) will remain in considerable limits.

3- Sufficient cover was provided to protect the structure from collapse when the fire gets started in the building.

4- We can easily achieve any desirable shape through constructing the cage and by using concrete (plastic state).

5- The good RCC doesn’t show any type of deflection. (it should not exceed its limits).

6- It should counter Tensile, Compression and Shear forces.

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