The word gabion comes from the Italian gabbione which literally translates as “big cage”, and this is essentially what they are – cage-like enclosures filled with inorganic material like stone, brick, or broken concrete. Also known as gabion cages, their main use in structural engineering has been for protecting shorelines, river banks, and slopes from erosion, and they’re either laid at angles in “mattress” form or, more commonly, stacked incrementally like bricks.

Nowadays though, they are used for all kinds of other practical reasons, as well as purely aesthetic reasons. More and more gardens, urban spaces, towns, and land re-development projects are transforming the way gabion baskets can be used and are employing them to build walls, pillars, benches, and base structures, as well as to separate and divide areas, reinforce earth walls, and as a buffer for water features. The baskets themselves can come in a range of different sizes to suit all kinds of needs and designs and are constructed using tough, galvanized wire mesh, usually of a 3mm thickness.

Click Here To See How To Make A Garden Pool From A Large Tire In Gabions Step By Step

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