Grades of Concrete

Actually, what do we mean by grade of concrete.? Concrete grades are denoted by M10, M20, M30, according to their compressive strength. The “M” denotes Mix design of concrete followed by the compressive strength number in N/mm2, “Mix” is the respective ingredient proportions which are Cement: Sand: Aggregate Or Cement: Fine Aggregate: Coarse Aggregate.

Concrete Grade and Mix Ratio Table

As per IS 456:2000, the grades less than M20 should not be used in RCC works

Concrete GradeMix RatioCompressive Strength
MPa (N/mm2)Psi
Normal Grade of Concrete
M51 : 5 : 105 MPa725 psi
M7.51 : 4 : 87.5 MPa1087 psi
M101 : 3 : 610 MPa1450 psi
M151 : 2 : 415 MPa2175 psi
M201 : 1.5 : 320 MPa2900 psi
Standard Grade of Concrete
M251 : 1 : 225 MPa3625 psi
M30Design Mix30 MPa4350 psi
M35Design Mix35 MPa5075 psi
M40Design Mix40 MPa5800 psi
M45Design Mix45 MPa6525 psi
High Strength Concrete Grades
M50Design Mix50 MPa7250 psi
M55Design Mix55 MPa7975 psi
M60Design Mix60 MPa8700 psi
M65Design Mix65 MPa9425 psi
M70Design Mix70 MPa10150 psi

Grades of concrete, mainly classified in three categories as follows 

1- Lean concrete

2- Ordinary grade of concrete

3- Standard grade of concrete

4- High strength concrete grades

1- Lean concrete

Lean concrete is a mix where the amount of cement is lower than the amount of liquid present in the strata.


Where M stands for Mix ration & 5 stands for  compressive strength of a 150mm cube after 28 days of curing, expressed in N/mm2

The mix ratio is  1:5:10 (1 Cement, 5 Sand and 10 Aggregate)

Application/use: –  To provide the uniform surface of the foundation concrete and to prevent the direct contact of foundation concrete from the soil.


The mix ratio is  1:4:8 (1 Cement, 4 Sand and 8 Aggregate)

Application/use: –  To provide the uniform surface of the foundation concrete and to prevent the direct contact of foundation concrete from the soil.

2- Ordinary grade of concrete


The mix ratio is  1:3:6 (1 Cement, 3 Sand and 6 Aggregate)

It is used as PCC (Plain Cement Concrete)

Application/use: – It can be used in the construction of Levelling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.


The mix ratio is  1:2:4 (1 Cement, 2 Sand and 4 Aggregate)

It is used as PCC (Plain Cement Concrete)

Application/use: –  It can be used in the construction of Levelling course, bedding for footing, concrete roads, etc.


The mix ratio is  1:1.5:3 (1 Cement, 1.5 Sand and 3 Aggregate)

It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)

Application/use: – It can be used in the construction of Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc. (For mild exposure)

3- Standard grade of concrete


The mix ratio is  1:1:2 (1 Cement, 1 Sand and 2 Aggregate)

It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)

Application/use: – It can be used in the construction of Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.


It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)

Application/use: – It can be used in the construction of Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.

M-30 Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009


It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)

Application/use: – It can be used in the construction of Slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc.

M-35 Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009


It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)

Application/use: –  Pre-stressed concrete, slabs, beams, columns, footings, etc. GRADE- M45 RCC e.g. Runways, Concrete Roads (PQC), Pressurized Concrete Girders, RCC Columns, pressurized beams

M-40 Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009


It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)

Application/use: –  Runways, Concrete Roads (PQC), Pressurized Concrete Girders, RCC Columns, pressurized beams

M-50 Mix Designs as per IS-10262-2009


It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)

Application/use: –  Pressurized Concrete Girders and Pier

4- High strength concrete grades 


It is used as RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete)


1- It can be used RCC work where high compressive strength is required such as high rise buildings, long span bridges, ultra-thin white topping etc.

2- Constructions in aggressive environment.

3- Spillways of dams, coastal construction of a passage for surplus water from a dam.

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