Framed Structure:

A framed structure consists of slabs, beams, columns, and foundations that work together to transfer and distribute loads throughout the building. Loads are introduced through gravity, wind, earthquakes, and other external forces, and are transferred through stress and deformation to the foundation and the ground.

Load Transfer in Slabs:
Slabs, comprising concrete and steel, carry the total load including Live Load, Floor finishing Load, and the self-weight of the slab. The loads from slabs are transferred to beams, then to supporting columns, and finally to the soil on which the structure is built.
Types of Slabs:
    • A slab with Ly/Lx ≥ 2 is considered a one-way slab.
    • A slab with Ly/Lx < 2 is identified as a two-way slab.

Load Transfer in One-way Slabs:
    • In a one-way slab, loads are carried along the shorter span, and distributed equally among the beams supporting the longer span.
    • The load carried by the slab is expressed in kN/m and transferred to the beams as a uniformly distributed load.

  • Load Transfer in Two-way Slabs:
    • In a two-way slab, load distribution occurs in both directions, with the load being carried by all beams or walls along all 4 sides.
    • The load of the triangular areas is carried by the beams along the shorter span, while the load of the trapezoidal areas is carried by the beams along the longer span.

Click Here To See How To Tell If A Wall Is Load Bearing – Everything You Need To Know

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