Everyone is arguing about this problem, The problem involves the order of operations, historical math notation, and binary expression trees. Glad to see the world is passionate about mathematics! Here is a 1917 article from “The American Mathematical Monthly” that explains the usage of the division symbol as an exception to the order of operations
The problem
What is 60÷5(7-5) = ?
So let’s figure out the correct answer!
You’ve said nothing about “implied multiplication” vs “explicit,” which as far as I know is the issue here. 60÷5(7-5), according to this group, should be 6 due to the distributive principle: 5(7-5)=5×7-5×5. The implied multiplication crew objects that putting a division sign before the 5 shouldn’t cause the distribution principle to be overridden. If you Google “calces” you will find a calculator that answers 60÷5(7-5)=6, BUT, 60÷5×(7-5)=24. Some, not all, Casio hand calculator models, and some Texas Instruments hand calculators, will do this also. There are good religious souls on Facebook who will call me ugly names such as stupid idiot for pointing this out, telling me to be a fool and go on posting my wrong answers. But I’m only pointing out a controversy without taking a side. In my country the “right” answer is 24; that would be my solution. Other places around the world see it differently.