What is a Post-Tension Slab?

A post-tension slab is a concrete slab that has steel cables running through it that have been placed under 33,000 +/-  pounds of tension. This tension makes the concrete slab and foundation much stronger than concrete without reinforcement and helps reduce cracking.

post-tensioned slab construction is the method of prestressing reinforced concrete in which tendons are tensioned after the concrete has attained a specified minimum strength or a specified minimum age. Concrete is very strong in compression but lacks strength in tension.  When concrete is post-tensioned, internal forces are introduced into the concrete element which places the concrete in compression and counteracts the external loads.

Some of the benefits of post-tensioning include

1- Material Savings:  Post-tensioning allows for thinner concrete elements and less reinforcing steel.

2- Faster Construction: Post-tensioning enables builders to accelerate pour cycles.

3- Design Flexibility: Post-tensioning allows for longer spans and fewer vertical supports.

4- Superior Performance: Post-tensioned concrete is much stronger and more durable than conventionally reinforced concrete.

For better understanding watch this video all steps

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